Now showing results 11-19 of 19
Dynamic Models of Unemployment Insurance Benefit Receipt: Survival Rate Analysis Report
To better understand the effects of alternative policy decisions on UI benefit payments, the U.S. Department of Labor contracted with Battele Memorial Institute to conduct the Unemployment Insurance Survival Rate Analysis ...
Evaluation of Worker Profiling and Reemployment Services Systems: Interim Report
In this report, the authors present findings from Phase I of a four-year study of the design, implementation, and operation of worker profiling and reemployment services systems, an initiative legislated by Public Law ...
The Worker Profiling and Reemployment Service System: Legislation, Implementation Process, and Research Findings
This paper contains: federal legislation on profiling; a variety of public releases by the U.S. Department of Labor to interpret the legislation, support and provide technical assistance to the States in their implementation ...
A Study of Unemployment Insurance Recipients and Exhaustees: Findings from a National Survey
The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics and behavior of Unemployment Insurance (UI) exhaustees and nonexhaustees and to explore the implications of this information for policy formulation.
Employer Layoff and Recall Practices
This report on employer layoff and recall practices is part of a continuing effort by the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) to explore the needs of dislocated workers, i.e., those who have been laid off from ...
Evaluation of Worker Profiling and Reemployment Services Systems
This report provides Congress and the Department of Labor with the required feedback about the implementation and operations of the Worker Profiling and Redeployment System (WPRS) nationwide and the effectiveness of such ...
Analysis of Unemployment Insurance Recipiency Rates
The UI Recipiency Rate (Standard Rate) is the most commonly used measure to evaluate the effectiveness of the UI program, researchers have developed alternative UI recipiency rates to address some of the limitations of the ...
Unemployment Insurance and Employer Layoffs
The Unemployment Insurance (UI) system finances benefits to unemployed workers by taxing employer payroll in all states and employee earnings in a few states. Benefit payments to unemployed workers reduce their costs of ...
The Washington Reemployment Bonus Experiment Final Report
The principal objective of unemployment insurance is to reduce hardship by providing labor force members with partial wage replacement during periods of involuntary unemployment. In performing this income maintenance ...