Now showing results 1-10 of 28
Delivery-Driven Policy
This is the first in a series of papers about delivery-driven policy, which builds on the overarching concept of delivery-driven government with a focus on policymaking and advocacy. In it, Code for America explains the ...
California Telework Case Study
In the beginning of COVID-19, the California Department of General Services needed to quickly develop and deploy a plan to transition staff to full-time telework. This case study details the process utilized and how they ...
California Begins Effort to Use More Open Source Technology
The Government Operations Agency has launched the California Code website. The site will host policies and, eventually, the state's open source projects.
California Passes Website Accessibility Requirements Applicable to State Agencies
California will soon have a new law requiring WCAG 2.0 AA compliance for state agencies' websites by 2019.
Request for Information for Agile Development of Pre-Qualified Vendor Pool
CHS seeks to establish a pre qualified vendor pool of up to 15 vendors that will provide the Agency with user-centered design and agile software development services.
California Intake Module Statement of Work
The solicitation California sent their agile vendor pool for the intake module of their child welfare system replacement.
California Nonfunctional Requirements
The non-functional, technical requirements included in California's solicitations to the agile vendor pool.
Critical Success Areas and Key Performance Indicators for State Central Procurement Agencies
A workgroup of state procurement officials, convened by NASPO, review tools that help states measure how well their central procurement office is performing.
Capitals in the Clouds: A Case Study of California's Cloud Infrastructure
This case study explores California's cloud infrastructure implementation and migration process.
Lessons Learned: Building a Data-Driven, User-Centered Government
California Health and Human Services Agency Secretary, Michael Wilkening, discusses lessons learned building a data-driven, user-centered government.