Now showing results 1-10 of 67
What is Rapid Prototyping, and how does it help Workers Develop Occupational Digital Literacy?
Rapid prototyping is especially suited to programs that incorporate digital literacy skills and other aspects of workforce preparation that arequickly evolving. In these cases, it may not be realistic to expect education ...
Digital Equity, Cybersecurity are Key Concerns in Ed Tech
The COVID-19 pandemic and the push to virtual learning has highlighted existing inequities in access to technology and connectivity, as well as underlined cybersecurity gaps in education.
Rethinking Network Design: Remote-First Workforces Steer Infrastructure onto New Paths
With so many workers stationed at home, there has been significant changes to technology needs as businesses pivot tosupport remote workers. One significant area that has been impacted is network design. The lack of warm ...
Digital Transformation: Leaders Bear Down on Remote Work Challenges
As remote work continues to evolve, do the challenges imply companies simply need to do even more digital transformation than they already have - more tools, more speed? Probably not. Culture and process will be the focus in 2021.
3 Roadblocks to Being Customer-Centric
Business success depends on every part of your organization putting customers first. IT leaders, here's how to avoid these common pitfallson the road to a customer-centric culture.
Digital Transformation: 3 Ways to Get Infrastructure Updates Back on Track
After the upheaval of 2020, consider how to get infrastructure upgrades related to digital transformationmovingforward again. How should your cloud strategy shift?
Managing Remote Employees: 8 Best Practices for Leaders Now
Copying and pasting your real-world management style to remote work didn't work well last March - and it isn't working now. Consider these remote management best practices for the good of your team.
State and Local Agencies Scale Services Rapidly with DevOps
Government organizations turned to proven methodologies for rapid development to meet pandemic challenges.
Hiring, Onboarding, Managing: Government Adapts to New Work
In a brave new world of fully remote or hybrid teams, chief information officers need to explore new ways to find talent and build work culture that supports employees and improves outcomes.
Three Strategies for a Post-Pandemic Digital Playbook
This article explores how businesses can design their own digital playbook utilizing the lessons learned from COVID-19. These same principles can be applied to state government services.