Now showing results 1-10 of 130
Better Digital Services Make for Happier Citizens
Digital government and innovation are closely linked to improved customer experience
Digital Transformation Strategy: 7 Items to Rethink Now
Some accepted wisdom about digital transformation looks different in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.We asked experts: What approaches may need rethinking?
Digital Transformation: 5 Early Warning Signs You're Moving too Slowly
How do you know if your business is falling behind on digital transformation? Here are five warning signs, plus best practices to help you hit the reset button
2020 Puts Cloud Computing in Government to the Test
State and local public-sector agencies have long been making a move toward cloud first and now cloud smart strategies. COVID-19 gave them the change to prove whether those investments paid off.
What is the 'New Normal' for IT Modernization
For years, IT and mission leaders have worked tirelessly to implement the types of modernizations that will increase governments ability to meet its mission. In the face of COVID-19, the momentum behind these modernizations ...
Remote Government Work: A Challenge and an Opportunity
The less secure nature of home networks has exposed local, county and state governments to new risks during the COVID-19 crisis, experts say, but those risks also set the stage for new opportunities for collaboration.
What is Digital Transformation? A Necessary Disruption
Digital Transformation is a foundational change in how an organization delivers value to its customers. This article explains what this transformation entails, along with tips to ensure you are on the correct course.
Digital Transformation: Modernizing the Public Sector Workforce Through Technology to Continue Delivering Better Citizen Outcomes in a Post-COVID World
In recent years, the rate of technological advancement and its ubiquity has grown even further, and citizens are increasingly expecting more convenient, digital experiences from healthcare, work, and even public services.
4 Shifts Taking Place in the IT Framework
After identifying four pillars of IT in a previous white paper, CompTIA conducted interviews with organizations and IT leaders to identify how each pillar looks today, and prepare for the next decade of tech strategy
Reimagine Your Government Workforce and Workplace
As more and more government functions become enabled by technology, many agencies and departments adhere to varying degrees of business continuity plans (BCP). However, from what we have seen, many of these plans focused ...