Now showing results 21-25 of 25
Shared Service Agreements Bring Pricey Tech within Reach
Technologies both mainstream and emerging promise to improve government service delivery. To reduce costs and increase efficiency, jurisdictions are working together to get what they need.
An Open Source Program Aims to Help Idaho Shore Up Cyberdefenses
Idaho's Incident Response Program will be implemented statewide via WebEOC for state agencies and local governments to identify cyberthreats in a standardized and quantifiable format.
Design Tweak Yields 18 Percent Rise in SNAP Enrollment
A new study in Los Angeles County has found that simply giving eligible people who seek information about food benefits the chance to immediately schedule an enrollment call makes a quantifiable difference.
How Local Governments Can Address Cybersecurity Challenges
Explores how local governments can tackle the growing cyberthreat.
House Bill Could Mean Billions for State, Local IT
Newly introduced federal legislation could create billions of dollars in funding to help state and local governments modernize outdated legacy systems and create more resilient cybersecurity protocols.