Now showing results 21-30 of 536
Draft Federal Data Strategy Action Plan a Good Start, but Needs Improvement
In mid-June, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released the Draft 2019-2020 Federal Data Strategy Action Plan, requesting public feedback from the data community. On July 8th, the Data Coalition co-hosted ...
Labor Productivity Data - Measuring the Value of Workers to Businesses
Labor productivity is a measure of economic performance that compares the amount of goods and services produced (output) with the number of hours worked to produce those goods and services. Productivity and related cost ...
State Wage Interchange System: Better data for stronger workforce programs
Compared to earlier wage record exchange systems, SWIS enables states to access individual-level information about more program participants, simplifies the query process for states, and enables states to more efficiently ...
Government Data Needs an Ethical Foundation
While the private sector has struggled with unethical uses of data, government can learn from these mistakes and craft best practices by creating a data framework that is both principled and innovative.
Map: State Working Groups Studying Blockchain Technology
Several states have established bodies to study blockchain technology in the past several years. They range from departmental groups with report deadlines to policy groups meant to bring forward bill ideas.
Relationships Matter Most; The Evolving State CIO Role And Growing Focus On Agency Customer Relationships
The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) released a publication on customer relationship management (CRM). The business practice of CRM has become more important in the last several years as ...
Evaluating technology-based interventions
This resource provides guidance for evaluations that use technology as a key part of the intervention being tested. This resource discusses challenges that J-PAL North America has seen in with these types of studies and ...
How artificial intelligence could transform government
Through AI-based applications, developers are looking to transform the public sector by automating tasks and much more. But for optimal gain, agencies must make tough choices about where and how to introduce new technologies.
Prerequisites for modular contracting
Modular contracting is the practice of breaking up large, custom software procurements into a small constellation of smaller contracts. This resource outlines the factors required before an agency can do this.
50-State Comparison: Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems
The Education Commission of the States created this comprehensive resource outlining Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SDLS) policies in all states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.