Now showing results 1-10 of 16
Digital Transformation in Labor and Education Systems: Improving the government response to the next unemployment crisis
This report looks into the crisis surrounding the surge in unemployment claims as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors go on to offer a framework to aid systems administered through WIOA to be better prepared for ...
Resilience Lessons from State and Local Government
What can your agency learn from its peers nationwide about the challenges you have encountered, from the pandemic, budget shortfalls, remote education and more? You'll learn what activities state and local agencies have ...
Modernizing and Investing in Workforce Development
This report is the product of the Better Employment and Training Strategies Taskforce (BETS), a coalition of more than 40 leading practitioners and experts working to modernize workforce policies. The coalition's workforce ...
Future of Work Trends Will Drive New Technologies to Track, Develop and Deploy Talent
Future of work trends will require new approaches and supporting technologies to track, develop and deploy talent. AI-enables talent marketplaces, skills and worker data platforms are key, and application leaders must plan ...
UI ITSC 2021 Annual Report
This annual report highlights the activities and accomplishments of NASWA's Unemployment Insurance Information Technology Support Center (UI ITSC) from October 2020 to September 2021.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Research Portfolio Project
This collaborative study from Mathematica Policy Research and the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration, has two goals: 1) to generate ideas on promising workforce development strategies that ...
2021 Connectivity Benchmark Report
For this report, 800 IT leaders across the globe were surveyed in order to identify the top technology trends in 2021, and the impact they are likely to have in 2022.
Digital Government in Action: Ecosystem-Driven Co-Creation
This research outlines four steps to follow when co-creating data-driven digital transformation with ecosystem partners. (Note: Access to content may require you to provide an email address or other contact information)
Government CIOs Must Resist Transformation Hype and Focus on Digital Optimization
In this research, Gartner examines why digital transformation is exceptionally difficult to achieve in government, and how the sustained optimization of business operations can build capacity for future transformational ...
Blockchain-Based Transformation
The focus of this report is to help EA and technology innovation leaders, CIOs, and technology and service providers (TSPs) understand what has changed and to assess the current market state to better prepare their enterprises ...