Now showing results 1-7 of 7
Agile: 3 Steps to Get Started
Want to apply agile across your whole organization? Consider this advice around centers of excellence, process, and tools.
4 Components of a Digitally Resilient Government
A greater focus on digital services requires an equal emphasis on continuity of operations. Unfortunately, traditional disaster recovery and continuity approaches are not enough, especially when it comes to modern cyber ...
Did Your Tech Strategy Survive the Pandemic?
In this article, the authors discuss that COVID-19 has presented a great opportunity to rethink strategic approaches to technology, in order to assist organizations becoming more resilient and transformative moving forward.
Why is it so Hard to Build Government Technology?
The pandemic has shown how difficult it can be for the U.S. to succeed with major technology projects. This article recaps discussions with leading thinkers into why this is, and what can be done about it.
How Can Agencies Use This Moment to Modernize?
Agencies can use a breakthrough in federal funding for cloud-based infrastructure and tools for hybrid work.
3 Ways Marketing Strategy Can Help Deliver Equitable Services
The Los Angeles County Department of Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services used private-sector micromarketing segmentation practices to more effectively use data to target communities in need.
It's Time to Reboot Our Thinking About Adult Learners in a Digitally Transformed World
This article explores the need to analyze and rethink the ecosystem of learning options for adults.