Now showing results 1-5 of 5
Adult Basic Education Distance Learning Resource Site
This web resource provides essential information and resources to help you rapidly scale-up or start distance education. EdTech has curated useful resources posted in online forums, from partnering organizations, and (some) ...
The Digital Learning Mindset
The author explores 7 key takeaways from their work building a free and fully online distance learning program for adult education students in Louisiana.
Advancing EdTech in Adult Learning: The SkillRise Framework
TheSkillRise frameworkwas built to help adult learning and workforce development organizations understand how to leverage technology to improve education and training programs. With this blog, they have released an infographic ...
Upskill with EdTech: Distance Learning in Adult Education
On this episode of Upskill With EdTech, SkillRise speaks with Joey Lehrman, Lea Downing, Tiffany Thomas and Daffiny Peters. Joey, Lea and Tiffany worked together to create a distance learning program at Delgado Community ...
Novi Adult Education Program: Testing in Cars
This video explores an innovative practice from a Michigan adult education provider as in-person services were halted due to COVID-19. Watch and learn how the organization invites and schedules students, sets up the testing ...