Now showing results 1-10 of 41
AWS 'Skills to Jobs Tech Alliance' Involves 78 Universities
Amazon Web Services (AWS) has formed the AWS Skills to Jobs Tech Alliance, partnering with major companies and education leaders to align tech programs at 78 institutions with entry-level tech job demands. The initiative ...
Developed by the Public Library Association (PLA), this website offers workshops aimed at helping libraries boost digital skills in their communities. The online courses are available to the public, and cover foundational ...
What's Working Well: Innovations to Sustain
This article presents lessons learned and shared from the COABE Digital Literacy and Training Strand as adult educations programs pivoted to the increased use of technology during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Novi Adult Education Program: Testing in Cars
This video explores an innovative practice from a Michigan adult education provider as in-person services were halted due to COVID-19. Watch and learn how the organization invites and schedules students, sets up the testing ...
The Navigator: North Carolina's Online Work Based Learning Platform
The Navigator was developed as part of North Carolinas efforts in the National Governors Associations Policy Academy for Scaling Work-Based Learning. This tool helps employers participate in work-based learning by streamlining ...
Technology-Based Learning in the Public Workforce System: Emerging Policy and Practices in States and American Job Centers
This report documents the current use of technology-based learning (TBL) in the context of employability or soft skills, basic literacy and numeracy, technological literacy, job search skills, and occupational training and ...
It's Time to Reboot Our Thinking About Adult Learners in a Digitally Transformed World
This article explores the need to analyze and rethink the ecosystem of learning options for adults.
Digital Literacy and Technology Integration in Adult Basic Skills Education: A Review of the Research
This research brief describes how to strategically integrate and support digital technologies in Adult Basic Education settings, and highlights gaps in the research. The intended audiences are the many different stakeholders ...
Pennsylvania Deploys Virtual Trainings to Build IT Workforce
The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry recently launched SkillUp PA, a free virtual job training program that offers online training to bolster the commonwealth's information technology workforce.
COVID-19 is Accelerating the Digital Blending of Working and Learning
This articles outlines three key areas of promise in the increasingly digital post-pandemic economy and postsecondary online ecosystem.