Now showing results 1-10 of 75
Prerequisites for modular contracting
Modular contracting is the practice of breaking up large, custom software procurements into a small constellation of smaller contracts. This resource outlines the factors required before an agency can do this.
Pulling back the curtain on IT procurement
This is the first in a series of posts discussing some of the challenges of IT procurement in the public sector. Hopefully, an open discussion about the tradeoffs and benefits associated with different procurement approaches ...
A View from the Marketplace: What They Say About State IT Procurement
This document renews NASCIO's call for IT acquisition reform and is a product of the NASCIO Roundtable on IT Procurement Innovation. The publication focuses on the role the private sector can play in the state IT acquisition ...
Here is What is Coming Next for E-Procurement
This article looks at how states are currently utilizing electronic procurement to gain efficiencies in how they purchase services, and what trends are emerging.
The Case for Procurement Reform: Achieving a Shared Vision
A shared vision by both the public and private sector is a clear desire for state procurement efforts to be successful, both in identifying through fair and open competition the right vendor as well as establishing a solid ...
How RFPs Contribute to Failed Digitization Efforts
The procurement strategies of the past are no longer enough to meet the demands of the ever-evolving technology-enabled world we live in.
NASCIO and NASPO Topical Roundtable
In continuing their shared interests in working together to improve IT procurement, NASPO and NASCIO have developed an action plan for navigating the ever-changing terrain shaping state procurement efforts and information ...
Preparing for the Future Workforce
A NASPO research brief on the future of work and the workforce, connecting potential future concerns for procurement.
The Value of eProcurement/ERP Systems: Case Studies
This National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) paper recognizes the prevalence of eProcurement systems and the clear return on investment from automating state procurement. According to the 2015 NASPO ...
Authority and Centralization Best Practices Matrix
NASPO shares four state supported best practices related to centralization and authority policy.