National Integrity Academy 2018 Annual Evaluation Report
The Unemployment Insurance (UI) Integrity Center (Center) is a joint federal-state initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) and operated by the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA). The Center’s mission is to be resource for integrity strategies, focusing on the prevention, detection, and recovery of improper payments, fraud and delinquent employer contributions. The Center provides a single place for state workforce agencies (SWAs) to access information, resources, and promising practices related to UI program integrity.
One of these key resources is the UI National Integrity Academy (NIA) which provides rigorous integrity-related training and certification programs to SWAs. The Center Evaluation Team work with the NIA to document and evaluate if the training provided through the NIA meets the skill development needs of SWAs, improves UI integrity skills, and helps SWA staff become more effective in their jobs upholding UI integrity. This 2018 UI National Integrity Academy Evaluation Report is intended to summarize the performance of the NIA in the 2018 calendar year (January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018).