Leveraging Data for Economic Recovery: A Roadmap for States
Abazajian, Katya; Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation
Kleykamp, Tyler; Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation
Leveraging Data for Economic Recovery: A Roadmap for States�is a guide to rebuild the system to be better than it was before. The roadmap is initially focused on four main areas where data can be used in recovery efforts: workforce and education, health and benefits, neighborhood well-being, and budget reallocation. Each of these areas contains a series of use cases where states are uniquely positioned to leverage their data or policy making ability to improve recovery efforts. Some use cases outlined in the report should be feasible and actionable across states, while others require stronger enabling conditions that could shift the landscape of data use for economic recovery. Busting silos and enabling better statewide collaboration remains key to ensuring that public servants across agencies can build on and support each others� efforts. This report not only points CDOs toward the future of their work, but outlines the powerful assets that CDOs already have at their�disposal.