Now showing results 1-10 of 97
Evidence Building Capacity in State Workforce Agencies
Explores research and evaluation capacity of state workforce agencies
Policy Analysis: Examining SLDS Development and Utility
As states tackle more complex policy issues spanning the entirety of the preschool through workforce (P20W) spectrum, the utilization and importance of data to inform education policy has increased. Longitudinal data plays ...
Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget
To bridge the gap between data and labor market success, the State of Michigan will create an interconnected set of products and tools to provide data-driven, personalized support to assist underrepresented and low-income ...
Building Effective Data Strategies in Career and Technical Education
Career and technical education (CTE) programs (programs that teach students specific workplace skills aligned with the labor market) may track data for lots of different reasons: to comply with funding requirements, to ...
Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) Survey Analysis: Descriptive Statistics
Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems grant-funded projects represent one of the most developed and systemic K-12 education data projects in U.S. history. This report reviews what types of K-12 data elements are included in ...
A Progress Report on States' Use of Data and Evidence
This resource is the transcription of edited excerpts of an interview with Jed Herrmann, vice president of state and federal policy implementation at Results for America about the latest State Standard of Excellence.
Delivery-Driven Policy
This is the first in a series of papers about delivery-driven policy, which builds on the overarching concept of delivery-driven government with a focus on policymaking and advocacy. In it, Code for America explains the ...
A Legislator's Guide to Workforce Data
It's estimated that 65 percent of jobs will require postsecondary education by 2020. However, as the cost of college continues to rise and student debt burdens more and more Americans, many students as well as adults and ...
Evidence-Based Practices and Process Mapping - Data that Works for Innovation
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), which wassigned into law in 2014, places a new focus on pursing evidence-based practices in workforce development.
Creating an Intelligent Government With Data
Data and digitalization are the foundations for a citizen-focused government. Successfully embracing the opportunities from new technologies and implementing the right initiatives will be key to staying competitive and ...